Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Blogging: a quasi- moratorium

Due to the sheer number of things I need to attend to presently for home, work, school, and parish, I will not be regularly blogging during the months of May, June, and July. The mere fact that I am posting this announcement is yet one more indication that we bloggers far overestimate our influence. To wit: just because we're on the world-wide web does not mean anybody is reading what we have to write. It is like when I travel for work and find myself in a hotel room being tired of reading. I do something I never do at home; turn on the television to see what is on. Typically, I spend twenty minutes or so surfing all the channels, only to learn that there is literally nothing on, at least nothing worth investing any time in watching.

So, it is a realistic assessment that my temporary absence will make no difference. This is not a statement designed to elicit pity. Rather, as I determined within my first several months of maintaining a blog, when I would fret and fuss over why I was doing it, it has to have a value for me in order to keep posting. In fact, my blog bore the original title Scott Dodge for Nobody, a title I poached from a former KRCL program that played on Sunday nights, Tom Waits for Nobody. If what I write about is useful to another person, then Deo gratias! I have no meter embedded in my blog. Hence, I have no idea how many total "hits" this blog has had, or any idea whatsoever the amount of traffic it generates daily, weekly, monthly, etc. This helps me resist the temptation to pander to an audience and aids me in keepin' it real as a faux hipster might say.

For my few regular readers, during this quasi-mortatorium, I will continue to post homilies and other things I am writing about from time-to-time as I deem them relevant and of interest. I will post a Friday traditio or two along the way, but not every week.


  1. I'll miss your posts, but I'm glad to know that you'll keep offering your homilies.

  2. Thanks, Suzanne. I will still be reading.

  3. The Ironic CatholicApril 30, 2008 at 6:51 PM

    Scott--hope the freer time gets put to good use for the IPM! What, six weeks and counting...?

    Peace. I've struggled with the same issues myself. An occasional break is good.

  4. Thanks, Susan. I loved your womenpriests post. It is so you.


Feast of Saints Simon & Jude, Apostles

Readings: Ephesians 2:19-22; Psalm 19:2-5; Luke 6:12-16 At what we might call the “high end” and “low end” of the Twelve, some apostles d...